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Please remember the CLG Aontroim Guestbook is moderated, and all posts will only be visible after approval from a member of County Executive.




27th July 2015

What about playing the quarter final sfc games as two double headers ?

St galls boy

26th July 2015

I'd their any date or venue set for the St galls v cargin match in senior championship??? If not could u even tell me if it will be in the city or country

The fixture will be set early next week, probably Monday, after this weekends championship games.


26th July 2015

The div 1 league table shows St Galls with 0 points having won 2 games.


25th July 2015

Does anyone at CB level guage / measure what we are doing / where we are at in terms of targets/ outcomes? Or is criticism viewed as totally non productive? Seems like every organistion has accountability built into their performance? Maybe we see ourselves outside the normal remit that applies to most other Counties?

There is continuous review and evaluation plus there is an annual opportunity for accountability, 'County Convention'. Criticism is never easy to hear or read in any area of life but I can assure you that constructive criticism is always welcome and used to move forward.

Write or not

25th July 2015

People will dispute a lot about hurling but the article in the County Antrim Post does little for the standard of journalism/ editorial overview.


23rd July 2015

Is there a way to view old posts on guestbook from earlier on in the year. Thanks

I will see if they can be uploaded onto the new site.


22nd July 2015

Can any1 confirm with div 3 of the points from first part of league carry over or is there a new league in place after the split? Cheers

Points gained carry through after split.


22nd July 2015

Hi there, Hi There, I was hoping you could post the following link: This is a scheme run by Saint Gobain, and they have shortlisted 2 GAA clubs (Roger Casements GAC Portglenone, and Bryansford GAC) to receive financial support for renovating their club facilities. There is an online vote via facebook, and we would ask all gaels to vote for the two clubs in their respective prize categories of £30,000 and £10,000. We want to get the whole GAA community behind us as we are up against other projects. Thanks for your help

Still a hurling fan

22nd July 2015

A good U21 hurling team fielding for Antrim. As good hurlers and well prepared hurlers as we ever had. If you as hurling people think not don't blame them ; blame the people in our clubs who have prepared them - brought them to this level. As a hurling man I think they reflect well on the good work that has gone into developing them. We have never been as well prepared as a team as we might be because of where we are located - far from the heart of real competition. But these are fine and skilled hurlers- no doubt about it. Of course there may be a few, some who would choose to differ but that was always the situation! Thanks to all those who have brought them to this level.


21st July 2015

Any chance the league tables could be checked? Div 1 Hurling looks wrong - st galls?

The table as it stands is correct for St Galls.

Conor McCann

21st July 2015

Hi, With the split in Division 3, do all teams start off on 0 points or do the points carryover?

Points carry through


20th July 2015

In the master fixture section I see the Reserve Shield Final is down to be played this Saturday however I can see no notice of it on the fixtures for this week. Can you provide any clarification as to when it will be played?


20th July 2015

Great to see the championship dates posted on this page, can the minor hurling dates be also posted ?

Ollie Devlin

17th July 2015

I think Last Sunday's 'The Sunday Game' showed the esteem that the Ulster Hurling Championship Final is regarded throughout Ireland. It was bad enough that they couldn't compile 30 seconds of highlights, they didn't even mention the result!!!!

Proudly saffron

17th July 2015

Lovely photo of the wee boy in front page of yesterday's Irish News - proudly kitted out in our County colours! Good news.