People 1st

DFPF Ltd t/a People 1st is a training organisation, employing 75 staff and 40+ associates/partner organisations, providing vocational and corporate training and consultancy Northern Ireland wide. We are a major contract holder for theDepartment for Economy (DfE), offering a range of occupational training and qualifications to over 3500+ learners through: (bullet point) ApprenticeshipsNI, for employed adults who want to up-skill and obtain accreditation in their occupational area;(bullet point)Training for Success, for 16-18 year olds, equipping them with the skills and qualifications required for the workplace;(bullet point) Step to Success, a tailored programme for adults who wish to enter the labour market, and, (bullet point) LEMIS, a local employment initiative and recent successful tender, based in Newry & Mourne, Armagh, Craigavon and Lisburn, North Down, South Down and Ards; (bullet point) Community Family Support Programme, offering holistic family support aimed at decreasing number of young people entering the NEET category. Through these and our extensive range of bespoke corporate training, People 1st meet the needs of a diverse range of customers including 1000+ private, public and third sector businesses; young school leavers; and, unemployed and economically inactive people. Sample companies with contracts currently in place are: Childcare Partnership, NIHE, Helm Housing, Belfast Trust, Hellenic and PWC. We have three offices in Belfast: Malone, Ormeau Road and Stewartstown Road and also offices in Lisburn, Lurgan, Portadown and Newry. The company recently expanded into The Republic of Ireland with three offices in Co. Donegal at Letterkenny, Buncrana and Dungloe. We facilitate the delivery of training in employer premises across the whole of Northern Ireland. The most recent inspection by Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) graded provision as Very Good. In 2015 the company was recognized as a Gold Standard Investors in People organisation and a Deloitte Top Twenty Best Managed Company. In 2015 the company was awarded Gold Standard Deloitte Best Managed Company.