Your in safe hands with Naomh Éanna
29th June 2016
Many Thanks to everyone who came along to the fourth and final BLS/CPR training session up at the club this evening and who came to the previous three sessions.
A very successful programme developed and delivered by Dr. Clare Shute and assisted by Dr.Eilish.
Go Raibh Míle Maith Agaibh to the 30 people who took part in the training over the last 4 weeks.
Hopefully everyone found it beneficial and worthwhile. We are absolutely delighted with the number of Naomh Éanna coaches, members and parents who gave up their free time to attend.
We will be offering further training sessions in the Autumn, so don't worry if you weren't able to attend this time round, watch this space for further details.
Thanks a million to Clare and Eilish, the importance of this training cannot be underestimated and all your hard work is very much appreciated.
Naomh Éanna