U16 Hurling Development Squad Trial session 1:
25th January 2017
U16 Hurling Development Squad Trial 1 will be on Saturday 4th February for players with 2001 dates of birth.
U16 Hurling Development Squad Trial session 1:
Venue: Dunsilly GAA Centre of Excellence
Date: Sat 4th Feb
Time: 12noon to 2pm (Players arrive 11:30am for registration)
Info: Players are asked to wear warm clothing, Helmet and 2x Hurls & bring personal water bottle. This trial will include physical fitness testing and games.
Clubs are asked to send the following player details to Simon McCrory, simon.mccrory.gpo.antrim@gaa.ie by 5pm Wednesday 1st of Feb:
Player Name:
Preferred position:
Parent mobile:
Parent email:
Club coach mobile:
Coach email:
Many thanks in advance.
Simon McCrory.