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Tour DeFitz

11th June 2015

TourdeFitz Thank you Lámh Dhearg CLG held an evening on Saturday 6th June to thank everyone who contributed to making TourdeFitz
(cycle to Croke ParkNewry and Family to Highway to Health cycle) an outstanding and hugely successful event From the proceeds of the TourdeFitz the club were generously able to support some worthy charities and presented - £1
000 to Hugh Savage to go towards an FES bike to stimulate the nerves in his daughter Éirinn's legs and build them up again. - - £1
000 to Cormac and John James Frazer for Helping Hand Charity in RBHSC An amazing total of £13
000 to PIPS. Sincere thanks to all concerned and for your generous support. Pic caption Frank Fitzsimons senior and Orla Fitzsimons proudly present a cheque of £13
000 to Catherine and Ciara from PIPS

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