Scéim Sparánachta Gaeltachta 2024
29th April 2024

Scéim Sparánachta Gaeltachta 2024
CLG Aontroma will be awarding a number of £100 Gaeltacht bursaries in 2024. Please note the criteria below:
- This bursary scheme is open to all students in secondary education only.
- You must be a member of a GAA club within Antrim.
- We would like to ensure that the bursary is distributed fairly. If you have already received any other form of grant/ bursary/ scholarship in relation to the Gaeltacht this year, unfortunately, you can not avail of this bursary.
- We ask that all students complete the forms themselves and in detail. The bursaries will be awarded on the quality of the application.
- Deadline for applications: 5pm on Friday 10th May
If you have any issues or problems, contact Bronagh Lennon. Contact details on the poster.
The application form can be found below: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-yeCOETeDkaBkAVAK4mNqCr7mUiDQHZJjezP99lT8rVURVlLNjVPTE9WOTNKNFBXVExaWjlYQ1AySi4u