Championship fixtures
15th August 2016
Friday 19th Aug JFC Mitchels v Ardoyne 7.15 @ St Teresa JFC Ballycastle v St Malachys 7pm @ Creggan ...
1 Minute with Donal Laverty
14th August 2016
1 Minute with................. Name: Donal Laverty Club: St Ergnats Moneyglass Position: Full Back...
1 Minute with Conor McKenna
14th August 2016
1 Minute with................. Name: Conor McKenna Club: Eire Og Position: Midfield/half forward Favourite...
1 Minute with Joe Maskey
13th August 2016
1 Minute with.................Name: Joe Maskey Club: Naomh Éanna Favourite Position: Half forward ...
1 Minute with Chris O'Kane
13th August 2016
1 Minute with................. Name: Chris O'Kane Club: St James Aldergrove Position: Centre Half...
Man in the Middle ➡️ Brendan Toland
12th August 2016
Name: Brendan Toland Club: Lámh Dhearg CLG Favourite ground to referee at: Casement Park -...
GAA will back a viable Antrim Development Strategy
12th August 2016
GAA Director General, Paraic Duffy has said Central Council are keen to help with the development of Gaelic...
1 Minute with Cormac Scullion
12th August 2016
1 Minute with................. Name: Cormac Scullion Club: Glenravel Position:Half Forward/Half Back...
1 Minute with Sinead Martin
12th August 2016
1 Minute with................. Name: Sinead Martin Club: Dunloy Position: Midfield Favourite Pitch...