1 minute with Declan Hughes
6th August 2016
1 minute with .........
Name: Declan Hughes
Club: Gort na Móna
Position: Half Back
Favourite Pitch: Casement
If I could invite 3 people to dinner: Sean ‘Bronski’ Quinn, Big Paddy Kelly and my wife to be Grainne Cahill
Best player played with: Difficult one but Desy Mc Clean
Best Player I’ve played against: Neil Mc Manus
Best Game I’ve been involved in: All Ireland Intermediate hurling quarter final against Robert Emmetts, was a great win
Best Game I’ve seen: All Ireland Final 2014 Kilkenny vs Tipperary drawn game
Best Trainer in the club: Thomas or Patrick McCaffrey they both love training
Worst training drill: small sided grid games with nowhere to hide
Favourite Song: Patti Labelle, Stir it Up
Favourite Film: Remember the Titans
Favourite Holiday destination: Anywhere there is Sun and a good book to read
Best advice received: Play as long as you can cause you’re along time watching games
Biggest influence on club career: My Father
Club volunteer of note: Michael Keenan works his socks off for seniors and juveniles
Biggest Strength in my game: It USED to be my fitness now I’d say it’s my strike
Club I like to see do well apart from my own: any club who puts work in at juvenile level and watches it progress rather than inherit it from other clubs
Young player in club to look out for: Lorcan Cordner
Best thing about the GAA: Growing up with family and friends watching them develop into the people they are today
In 10 years my club will be: hopefully reaping the rewards of the work that a number of members are putting in with our juvenile set-up