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Updated Adult fixtures League & Championship

23rd June 2020


A Chairde,

First off all ,I hope you , your Clann and your club members are in good health, and I salute the great work carried out by our clubs during Covid 19 lock down, it showed all that is good about the CLG.

Please find attached updated Senior Fixtures schedule allowing for additional playing dates recently provided due to an Taoiseach easing lock down restrictions and taking into account feedback from clubs.

I would like to thank the group of eight Gaels who have worked on providing a fixtures calendar for us over the past two weeks, a lot of hours have went into to trying to provide the best schedule available within the time constraints that Covid 19 has inflicted on us. I would also like to thank the clubs that provided feedback and proposals for 2020 playing Calendar and also input for Coiste Bainisti.

We have taken this year as an opportunity to try something new , with the aim of providing more Championship games for our players.

Be under no illusions, we are aware that the Schedule is tight and we have tried to get the correct balance between providing an meaningful Championship and a league format for the majority against the constraints imposed to accommodate dual players , county players and Covid 19.

I would ask clubs to sit down with both there Hurling and Football managers to ensure that dual players are managed in a responsible manner.

In reality we are trying to fit 5 into 4 and we are aware of potential clashes at quarter and semi final stage, if these clashes do arise , we will have to find a solution.

As a county we are aware that clubs are finding Finances difficult and to this end, we are proposing that within group stages of Championship that half the net gate goes to host club, to avail of this the host club will assist / organise gate collection on the match day.

And now that we are arguing about Fixtures, hopefully this is a sign that we are returning to some sense of normality.

So please enjoy our Championship and League , lets enjoy the thrill of the clash of the ash and the thud of the O’ Neills Ball, and all the fanfare and excitement that our games bring to the County.

Let the games Begin!

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Ciarán Mc Cavana/ Ciarán Mac an Mhanaigh

Cathaoirleach CLG Aontroma

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