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Ulster GAA Club Officer Training Programme 2021

17th December 2020


Ulster GAA has launched its plans for 2021 Club Officer Training which is set to take place in January for all club officers across Ulster’s nine counties.

As with last year, Ulster GAA is aligning with the National Leadership Programme. This will streamline all training for club officers to minimise the demands on the time of club volunteers, while still providing high quality essential training to empower club officers in their roles going forward in 2021.

The training will be delivered online and is divided into two categories: role specific and development workshops. Role specific training is for people new to their roles in 2021 or any officer wishing to update their skills and knowledge. Development workshops will deal with keys issues facing GAA clubs in 2021 and will be open to all club officers/volunteers.

All clubs are encouraged to ensure that their club is represented at training sessions. For more information on Ulster GAA’s club officer training contact our Volunteer Development and Policy Officer, Pierce Caherty via email on:

Role Specific Training

Ulster GAA in association with Croke Park are offering Club Officers new to their role in 2021 and any club officer wishing to update their skills and knowledge of their role, the opportunity to undertake role specific training.

Role Specific Training is available for:

1. Chairperson

2. Secretary

3. Treasurer

4. PRO

5. Coaching Officer (all coaches welcome)

6. Irish Language & Culture Officer

7. Health and Well Being

The schedule for delivery of this training across Ulster is as follows, all training takes place at 7:00pm:

Getting started as club Chairperson: Tuesday 5th January

Getting started as club Secretary: Tuesday 5th January

Finance and Governance for Club Treasurers:

Part One – Tuesday 5th January

Part Two – Tuesday 12th January

Getting started as club PRO:

Part One – Tuesday 5th January

Part Two – Tuesday 12th January

An Ghaelige sa Chlub: Thursday 7th January

Club Coaching Officer: Thursday 7th January

Health and Well Being: Thursday 21st January

To REGISTER for any of the above workshops please click the link below:

Development Training

The Club Officer Development Training provides club officers with topic specific workshops to prepare them for their duties over the coming year.

The schedule for these training sessions and workshops available are as follows, all training takes place from 7:00pm.

Upholding Disciplinary Rules and Procedures:

Tuesday 12th January or Wednesday 10th February

Creating a Safe Club:

Wednesday 13th January or Tuesday 9th February

Getting work done in Office 365:

Thursday 14th January or Thursday 28th January

Each topic is repeated twice so officers can select a date which suits. To REGISTER for any of the above workshops please click the link:

Please note, this programme is part of the GAA’s National Club Officer Leadership Programme, Ulster GAA’s Volunteer Development Pathway and meets a requirement of Club Maith.

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