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The Antrim Poc Fada

15th April 2016


A Chara

The Antrim Poc Fada for Senior and U16 will be held on Sat 14th May at Feystown , Glenarm CoAntrim , starting time to be confirmed , normally 10am .

We will meet at Shane O Neills Gac beforehand then drive a short distance up the road and park beside the Chapel , then walk up the mountain to the start of the course.

Entries for the Mens and Boys U16 to be e mailed to by 10am on Monday 9th May . Include name / mobile number/club. Same details for the U16s plus the players dob.

All entrants will need to have a spotter with them .

Go raibh maith agat

Kieran Megraw

Regional Hurling Development Officer:

07918 719791

Ciaran Mac Craith

Oifigeach Forbartha Reígiúnach

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