Rasharkin Man to walk 55 miles to raise awareness and much needed funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
6th July 2016
Rasharkin Man to walk 55 miles to raise awareness and much needed
funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind. (Sunday 10th July)
Brian Doherty and his son Tiarnan will be taking on a challenge that
most of us would never consider. Brian a sprightly 50 year old, found
himself diagnosed eight years ago with macular degeneration (RP
This eye condition has forced him to reshape his
life, supported by family and friends and with a determination that
can only to be admired, Brian has retrained and has recently graduated
as a guidance councillor.
The time has now come, when a guide dog is going to help Brian be
Brian as the TV advert says. With a can do attitude Brian came up with
this "cunning plan" lets walk from our house to the Giants Causeway!
But we would need to stay off the main roads and stick close to the
coast, the sea air may be needed to help finish up the journey.
I have known Brain all my life, we are a similar vintage, when asked
to help I had no hesitation.
I am part of Rasharkin Healthy Club Project and this is just the sort of community project we get involved
in, I may have mentioned, several times to Brian less miles would do
you big lad.
This is an adventure that will provide a lifetime of
memories for Brian, son Tiarnan, daughter Mairead, and wife Corine.
The route will be available with estimated times that we will be
passing through anyone who may wish to contribute can do so by putting
in the collection bucket.
There is an opportunity for those who want to participate but the NEED
to register by contacting Brian on 07597007158 this walk is not for
the faint hearted SAFETY FIRST,
to walk with Brian and Tiernan they are leaving Cushendall from the
Clock Tower at 10.45-11am heading towards the Golf Club taking
left over Layd to Cushendun then on to Ballycastle via Torr Head
Ballycastle to the Giants Causeway starting from the water fountain
across from the Marine Hotel between 4-4.30pm (TIMES MAY VARY
DEPENDING ON PROGRESS) this leg 12 miles
Estimated time table
Rasharkin - Cloughmills -
Cargan 8.30am-Cushendall 10.45-11am
Cushendun 12 noon Ballycastle 4-430pm
Please support if you can every little helps
Terry Hasson.