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‘Glenavy's Biggest Loser’ - Healthy Club Initiative

7th November 2017


‘Glenavy's Biggest Loser’ 

Glenavy’s Biggest Loser is an 8-week physical activity program open to everyone in the community. It started out in 2015 and based on the demand and success of the initiative Glenavy have continued to roll out the programme. 

The twice weekly exercise classes ranged from circuits, yoga, spinning, boxercise, crossfit, ceili dancing, kettle bells, netball and badminton, making it inclusive for all ages, genders and abilities. The participants were supported with weekly weighs and nutritional talks/workshops with the option of blood pressure checks. During the consultation phase participants reported that the number one reason for getting involved was to lose weight. 

Fifty five participants completed the 8 week programme and were aged between 18 and 60+, both male & female and from a range of cultural identity backgrounds. Prior to commencing the 

programme 70% of participants said they didn’t exercise regularly due to health or medical problems (including Asthma & high blood pressure), a general lack of fitness, lack of organised suitable activities locally and lack of recreational spaces available in Glenavy village. 

The total weight loss was 503lbs with the highest loss approx. 2 stone. At the end of the programme participants were asked to rank, in order of preference, what they found to have been the most valuable aspect of it. The top ranked answer was Social & Community Interaction, followed by Organised Exercise Programme, Opportunity to Improve Fitness and The Craic, all of which were rated more highly than their original priority of To Lose Weight! The majority of participants stated that they would be keen to participate in future programmes and that they would encourage others to do so.

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