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Ex Antrim Player Fight against Brain Tumour

10th August 2016


Kevin Carey - Fight against Brain Tumour

Kevin Carey has played for Antrim at minor level in 1998 and 1999. In 1998 he was centre half back in our minor team which reached the Ulster Final. We would like all gaels to help support Kevin's fight against his aggressive brain tumour.

A small donation of £5 would be a massive help as it always adds up!!

 Please do the following 3 things:

1. follow the link to the go fund me page and donate what you can...

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We appreciate everything you can do to help us raise money!

Full story on the go fund me page - but the latest is that Kevin and his wife Natasha had to get the next flight to London after Belfast doctors broke the news of 3 months life expectancy - Kevin had fully awake (local anaesthetic) brain surgery, which lasted 5 hours. The neurosurgeon checked Kevin's functions (movement, speech, vision) throughout. The awake surgery was a horrific experience for Kevin. The neurosurgeons said Kevin experienced a lot of pain, and that "he gave them everything he had". One experienced neurosurgeon said it was one of the hardest things she has ever had to witness. Kevin has taught them, and everyone, what strength really means.

With Kevin's relentless cooperation the neurosurgeons in London managed to remove 95-97% of the tumour. However the remaining 3-5% is still aggressive, and its against the clock now to try to halt its growth.

Kevin's only hope at a chance of prolonging his life, getting his future back; his job back, and his happy ending to this horrific ordeal; is pioneering Immunotherapy at UCLH, London. Immunotherapy teaches the immune system to find and attack the brain cancer cells, however it is only available privately and will cost £205,000. They are putting all their personal finances, every penny they have, into funding this treatment, plus travelling back and forth to London, but they can't meet it alone. Please help by following above links!!

Kevin Dog
Kevin Head
Kevin Thumb
Kevin Playing

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