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Covid- Please Read

22nd July 2020


Can we please remind clubs that indoor facilities ( Changing rooms, meeting rooms, treatment rooms Gyms etc ) are still closed.

Per medical advice provided, by the Croke Park Covid 19 team, gathering indoor , i.e changing rooms increases the likely hood of transferring Covid 19


If an individual was to test positive for Covid 19 as a result of an indoor contact during this period , public health authorities will view this as close contact and therefore its high likely that the whole club would have to close.

We are coming into a very tight championship schedule , please double down and ensure Covid controls are implemented, please have your teams and age groups operating in bubbles and under no circumstances use indoor facilities. Keep your members safe and keep the teams safe and playing our games, there is no room for error with such a tight schedule and no club would wish to come out of a championship because of a Covid 19 issue that could have been avoided or even worse spread Covid 19 among our community.

Keep up the good work agus fanacht sábháilte/ stay safe.

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