Club Volunteer Profile- Terri Darragh
24th June 2018
Club Volunteer Profile :
Name: Terri Darragh
Club : Glen Rovers Armoy
What is your role at the club?
Committee member
How long have you been doing the role for?
4 years
What do you enjoy most about volunteering at the club?
I have a great sense of pride for my club and as we are a small rural club it's so important to get as many people through our gates and helping in any way possible .
Seeing the younger generation coming up through and availing of our fantastic facilities gives me great joy. They are the future of our club. We work very closely alongside Naomh Padraig organising and planning events which I really enjoy being part of.
What is your most memorable moment or successful achievement at the club?
Last year saw the first ever rover óg 2 day camp in our club , we had over 50 children taking part all from Glen rovers this was a massive success for us and we hope it can only get bigger and better each year ..