Active Clubs – School / Club links ≥≥≥≥Gael Active
8th September 2016
Active Clubs – School / Club links
Ulster GAA’s Active club Coordinators will be offering their support to a max of 16 GAA clubs from September 2016 to March 2017.
Ulster GAA will allocate a small budget to carry out an eight week coaching programme between the club and its feeder primary and secondary schools. It is envisaged that the coach will be a member of the club.
The identified coach must complete the Access NI form and send the form and ID documents to Shane McCann at Ulster GAA, Ceannarás Uladh, 8-10 Market Street, Armagh, BT61 7BX. The coach must have minimum foundation coaching award.
New Members
The club / school link initiative allows the club to have a presence within their feeder schools to provide additional coaching to pupils who are already members with the club, it also allows the club to coach and encourage the remaining pupils to become new members of their local GAA club. Contact – shane.mccann.ulster@gaa.ie / 07920528793
Gael Active
Ulster GAA’s Active club Coordinators will be offering their support to a max of 10 GAA clubs from September 2016 to March 2017.
Ulster GAA will allocate a small budget to carry out a six week club fitness programme to a target audience of the club’s choice.
It is envisaged that the programme will provide exercise / fitness / health / social opportunities twice weekly for the clubs members, additionally these programmes could be open to non-members as a gateway of joining your club. Engaging with non-members is important for every GAA club as clubs need to be constantly promoting themselves to attract new members.
Contact – shane.mccann.ulster@gaa.ie / 07920528793
Clubs are advised to discuss the above programmes before making contact to register their interest. The programme falls under Active clubs and therefore the clubs themselves must be active in terms of helping promote, recruit and deliver on the project.