1 minute with Aislinn McFarland
6th August 2016
1 minute with Antrim Ladies Football vice-captain ahead of tomorrows's All Ireland qualifier game v Longford at St Pauls 2pm:
Name: Aislinn McFarland
Club: Bredagh
Favourite Position: Midfield/half forward
Hobbies: Gaelic, Camogie, Netball and Basketball
Best Player you have played with: Claire Timoney
Toughest opponent: Kyla Trainor/ Mairead Cooper
Biggest joker within the team: close call between Mallon and Meabh McCurdy
Any superstitions: Always have to score the last shot in the warm up
Favourite Song: Paolo Nutini- candy
Favourite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favourite Holiday Destination: Marbella
Favourite Meal: Lasange
Favourite sports person: Serena Williams
Best advice ever received: Enjoy it
Biggest influence on your career: my dad/ family
Area of your game you would like to improve: Shooting, I'm very squinty
Young Player within your club to look out for: Aoibhin McCarville
Best GAA sporting memory: Winning All Ireland League with St Marys this year, first thing I'd ever won in football