Learn Irish Podcast

Learn Irish with our podcast which you can find at: https://podcast.antrimgaa.net
Fáilte ollmhór to ‘How do you say…?’ Learn Irish with Antrim GAA. A podcast series that provides an informal and hopefully useful Audio Irish Language resource, based around GAA life, for beginner learners throughout Antrim and beyond.
Coiste Chontae Aontroma wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to pick up a few words and phrases that they could use in their everyday life, with friends and family, on and off the pitch…that would spark a love and also a confidence in using the language.
Each episode is themed and will contain Stór Focal - Vocabulary, Abairtí Usaideacha - Useful Sentences and Comhrá - Conversation relating to that theme.
Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a ghabháil…we would like to show our gratitude to everyone that took part in the series. No one who worked on this podcast was a professional voice over artist, writer or producer…we are all volunteers within Antrim GAA who have a love and passion for the language.
So, a huge go raibh míle to all the County players, and Oifigeach Cultúrtha who gave their voices to the resource. To the Scór competitors who provided the Ceol. Do Raidio Fáilte agus NVTV as spás a chur a fáil dúinn. And we would like to personally give the biggest GRMA do Ciarán Ó Brolcháin a bhí mar eagarthóir fuaime ar an rud.
Bígí eisteacht, bígí ag foghlaim agus bainigí sult!
Listen, learn and enjoy!